✲ Hello! I'm Ceri ✲

I’m a Facilitator and Mediator.

I’m here for your communication journey in your organisations,

communities and in your life.

What are you searching for?

Do you want to move through confusion to find clarity and purpose?

✲ Do you want to develop frames of understanding with people that allow togetherness, protection from harm and resilience through conflict, accountability and repair processes?

✲ Do you need accompaniment so you can approach  conflict as important feedback rather than a complete disaster?

Do you need support to feel and grieve when things fall apart?

✲ Do you need empathic support for healing and life transitions? 

live courses

Do you want to experience exciting, empowering and compassionate shifts in the way you express yourself, listen to others, and in your relationship with yourself? 

Level 1
Nonviolent Communication

You will learn a lot, in a short space of time, about compassionate and effective ways of expressing yourself, listening to others, and being in relationship with yourself.

Level 2
Nonviolent Communication

You will learn how to better communicate your boundaries, express desires, handle difficult conversations, understand people’s motivations while not disconnecting from others, and collaborate effectively.

Level 3
Nonviolent Communication

You will be supported to integrate and embody your skills more and more in your life. You will be supported to begin experimenting with NVC related activities in groups.

self study

    A suite of resources for starting now and going at your own pace.     

You will get instant access to a carefully curated pathway with Video resources and Exercises to practice.


Communication Self-Study

Do you want to learn empowering, compassionate and easy practices to shift your relationship with yourself and others,  and begin to understand how NVC can support your communication.

Certified trainer in

Nonviolent Communication

Transformative Communication, Conflict & Grief Support

Stay in the loop with everything you need to know:

What people say

"Ceri is a uniquely, inspiringly skilled, sensitive, effective, light-touch facilitator-guide.”
Level 1
"It's not just about NVC which you taught (that I can read in books of course) - it's the indescribable quality of empathy which I've experienced in your workshops/sessions. I've had the experience that every part of everything makes sense if I meet it at its level without trying to bypass anything."
on several Level 1 and Level 2 courses
"I see Ceri truly representing the principles she teaches. This is not an easy find for me so I am inspired by it. I found that Ceri's solid holding of the workshop really helped give the group permission to accept ourselves in a deeper way and I felt a real 'love for humanity as whole' during and after the course. Thank you so much, I feel lucky to have done this course. "
Level 2