Level 3  

Nonviolent Communication

✲ Level 3 ✲

Nonviolent Communication

  • How to create an inclusive, safer container
  • How to hold space
  • How to make explicit power dynamics and transform them where possible
  • How to allow space for feelings and needs and what’s alive
  • How to support people to make requests
  • How to hold meetings with NVC awareness (Gathering items for agenda,  Ordering them, Moving things on, Keeping to time, Making sure everyone has a voice)
  • How to handle conflict in a group when it appears
  • How to support people when triggers arise
  • How to increase your awareness of power and privilege, including awareness of your power as a facilitator
  • How to respond to the kinds of questions you get as a trainer/facilitator
  • How to design a short NVC related session or workshop
  • How to create a culture of giving and receiving feedback
  • Increase your understanding of the role of empathy in facilitating groups
  • How to support people 121, (as a sometimes necessary part of facilitating groups)
Who’s it for?
  • You will want to facilitate groups or want to bring the flavour of NVC into your collaborations and organisation. 
  • You might be facilitating groups in general (or even be part of a group and not necessarily a facilitator of it). You might want to be bringing NVC related content to work colleagues, students, other people interested in NVC, community or activist groups.
  • You will need to have 10 days of formal NVC training (A day’s training is 6 hours and could be online or face to face)
  • You need to have completed at least 5 days of intermediate training eg those offered by the London trainers network or similar. 
  • You will have about 2 years regular engagement with NVC through your own learning, interest and empathy exchanges. 
  • You will be open to building networks of support, and preferably have an ongoing empathic listening practice

This material is covered either in a small group or 121.