
A suite of resources for starting now and going at your own pace.You will get instant access to a carefully curated pathway with video resources and exercises to practice.

Nonviolent Communication Self-Study

Do you want to move through confusion to find purpose?

Do you want to understand what you really need and how to ask for it?

Do you want to learn skills to improve key relationships in your life?

Do you want to learn empowering, compassionate and easy practices to shift your relationship with yourself and others,  and begin to understand how NVC can support your communication?

This Self-Study will give you an overview of Nonviolent Communication and some core practices that you can do by yourself. 

01 Unit: Welcome to NVC Self Study
02 Unit: Grounding and Centring / Why are you doing this? 
03 Unit: What is NVC? Why is it necessary?
04 Unit: NVC Components - How can you begin to utilise them?
05 Unit: Core Skills practice: Listening for Needs 
06 Unit: Core skills practice: Observation, Feeling, Need & Request
07 Unit: Core Skills practice: 4 steps of Empathy
08 Unit: Integration and next steps

Resilient Spaceholding Self-Study

Resilient Spaceholding with Sophia Mindus and Ceri Buckmaster

Do you want to learn some Communication skills that support spaceholding (based on NVC) and Somatic practices to strengthen your resilience?


Do you need support for collaboration to hold projects together, especially when it’s tough? 

Would you love to have the courage to transparently acknowledge your facilitation mistakes and be generous with yourself when you do?

Do you need accompaniment so you can approach  tension and conflict as part of life and important feedback rather than a complete disaster?

Do you want to learn how to not take things personally? 

This is for you if you are already holding space in some form (facilitator, volunteer, event organiser).

Even if you already know some NVC this might support you as we offer reflections on our experiences of holding space with trauma-informed, power aware approaches.


We offer 4 themed sharings and reflections on the topics of:

01 Motivations and Strengths in holding space
02 Challenges and shadows in holding space
03 Triggers/challenges with participants
04 Conflict in Collaboration

Moving through Conflict Self-Study


Self-study to better understand and respond to conflicts

01 Foundations. What is conflict? How do you know you are in conflict?
02 Foundations. Two metaphors for Conflict.
03 Foundations. An understanding of default stress responses to conflict.
04 Map the conflict. Strategies/things that have happened.
05 Map the conflict. Humanising the other - LASER process
06 Map the conflict. Dealing with long-term and accumulated impact.
07 Moving to action. Resourcing yourself and getting support
08 Moving to action. Naming obstacles and Making doable requests
09 Moving to action. Inviting the other person to a conversation
10 What next? Being real, Getting support & Appreciations.

The Dance of Innerwork & Outerwork with NVC Self Study

inner work and outerwork with nvc self study

After we’ve learned a bit of NVC How does that actually translate into wider systemic change?

This is after all, the purpose of NVC, which is a great example of a practice that moves between innerwork and outerwork.

We need to know when to focus on innerwork and when on outerwork.

We will also explore the complexity of NVC’s Theory of Change.

Then we move onto how to navigate polarising opinions by understand their somatic impact on us.

Finally, we will explore Donella Meadow’s 12 leverage points for intervention in a system and Recap


This self-study will help you explore the Dance between Innerwork and Outerwork with NVC

01 What is Innerwork? What is Outerwork?
02 NVC and Theory of Change
03 Polarising opinions and their impact on us
04 Leverage points & Recap