let’s go deeper

‘Live’ Courses

✲ Level 1 ✲

Nonviolent Communication

Learn a lot, in a short space of time, about compassionate and effective ways of expressing yourself, listening to others, and being in relationship with yourself.

Level 1 Bite-size Intro to Nonviolent Communication (3 hours)

Level 1: Foundation Training in Nonviolent Communication (12 hours)

✲ Level 2 ✲

Nonviolent Communication

Do you want ongoing opportunities to keep learning Nonviolent Communication in order to:

✲ Better communicate your boundaries

✲ Express your desires

✲ Tackle difficult conversations, 

✲ Help you to understand what is motivating people

✲ Find solutions that work better for everyone, without disconnecting from others

✲ Collaborate effectively

The NVC London trainers have developed a flexible way of learning and these are my sessions:

✲ Level 3 ✲

Nonviolent Communication

You will be supported to integrate and embody your skills more and more in your life. 

You will be supported to begin experimenting with NVC related activities in groups.

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