Mediation & Transformative Conflict

Why you might need Mediation and Transformative Conflict support

✲  Are you facing a situation in your team, workplace or family that feels beyond your capacity to hold and move through?

✲  Do you want to find ways to foster togetherness and resilience through conflict, accountability and repair processes?

✲  Would you love to have support to approach  tension and conflict as important feedback rather than a complete disaster?

✲  Do you need support to create agreements for when conflict arises?

✲  For organisations – Are you struggling to process a conflict in alignment with your Grievance and Disciplinary policies and procedures?

✲  Would it be a relief to talk this through and figure out next steps?

What I offer

✲  I offer mediation and transformative conflict support for organisations, campaigning groups,  informal groups and families and couples.  

✲  I can work alongside any policies and procedures that you have in place (eg Grievance and Disciplinary procedures) and support you to operate within the guidelines of your policies.

✲  Or I can support you to create agreements in alignment with your organisational values.

✲  I might coach you to navigate conflicts in your setting rather than mediating myself.

✲  I can offer Complaint investigation support in which after hearing from all parties.

✲  I offer a written report for next steps.

What the support might look like will depend on your context ​

The bare minimum structure of a mediation (which might be useful for informal groups) is:

  1. Preparatory chat with each person involved 
  2. Coming-together dialogue if you all feel ready
  3. Follow up by email. 

That could work if people are feeling resourced and ready to talk. If you have time and resources to process, integrate and heal from what’s happened (either with me or through other strategies), you can do that alongside the mediation process.

A more detailed structure of a mediation (which might be useful for organisations) is: 

  1. Preliminary conversation with a point person for your organisation or group so I can get a sense of what has happened and what is needed so I can design a process for you.
  2. Process design and communication of this
  3. Pre-mediation conversations with everyone who will attend the mediation
  4. Mediation conversation (Dialogue space + Next step agreements)
  5. Post-mediation integration conversations, further support and further dialogue  where necessary
  6. Written statement from me with outline of process and next step agreement to signify the end of my involvement.

Go here for What happens in a mediation?

Go here for 10 considerations that can support your experience of mediation

Go here for  Pre Mediation Care suggestions and  After Mediation Care suggestions.

Check out my Self Study course  Moving through Conflict

About Conflict ​

“Allowing time for your conflicts or disagreements gives you an opportunity to create  the outcomes that you are going to live with in the future.”

“Although it’s hard work coming together to talk through difficult things, what I often hear from people is ‘Thank God we are finally talking.”

“The stuckness of unresolved things is terribly disempowering. I will do my utmost to make a safer space to talk things through.” 


The cactus is my favourite symbol of what’s needed in relation to conflict. A cactus can endure extreme conditions and keeps growing. It produces beautiful flowers and nourishing fruit. In a planet that is getting warmer and suffering more from drought (not in the UK but elsewhere), these plants seem to be wayfarers for us.  I have been growing cactus from seed and propagating plants since the pandemic.